
Kickstarter Campaign: Remembering The Legacy of The Parent Trap Documentary


I first saw David Swift’s 1961 classic The Parent Trap on the Disney Channel (back when it was a premium pay cable channel like HBO, Showtime, or the Movie Channel that was really worth watching) years ago when I was a kid.  I adored Hayley Mills’ dual performance and was impressed by the split-screen technology that allowed her performance to exist.  I also saw the subsequent made-for-TV sequels The Parent Trap II, Parent Trap III, and Parent Trap: Hawaiian Honeymoon on the Disney Channel, and enjoyed them as well (I’ve yet to see the 1998 remake in its entirety or read Lottie and Lisa, the book on which The Parent Trap was based on).

I first heard of Aaron Pacentine of Family Films Productions when I donated to his Kickstarter campaign for the feature-length documentary Remembering Return To Oz, which will be comprised of new and old interviews featuring many cast and crew members who worked on Walter Murch’s underrated 1985 directorial effort Return To Oz.  As that documentary nears completion, Pacentine has already announced a new Kickstarter campaign for a documentary film called Remembering the Legacy of The Parent Trap, which will include interviews with cast and crew members from the four Parent Trap films (including Hayley Mills herself!).  As a fan of the original films, it is a campaign I’m proud to contribute to and very much hope to see the final product.  For those who follow my blog, you’re aware that I’ve been on hiatus for nearly a year (my job takes up most of my time).  I’m making a brief return to my blog to contribute this post with the hope of raising awareness for this new documentary.  For more info, please check out this link and support this film.

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